Byron Hawksmith
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The Utility of a Demanding God

Modernity loves comfort. It thrives on the ideal of effortlessness, a curated reality where everything is secularised, smoothed, and—above all—convenient. We surround ourselves with technologies and ideologies designed to make our lives less demanding, less engaging and less meaningful. But in doing so, we’ve hollowed out one of the most essential aspects of existence: the struggle to transcend ourselves. Nowhere is this more evident than in our relationship—or lack thereof—with God.

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The Unrelenting Grace of God: Why Prayer is the Only Way Out

Temptation is not a fleeting experience—it is a reality, persistent and often overwhelming. It can strike when we least expect it, like a sudden gust of wind testing the strength of a ship’s sails. For many, the fight against temptation is a lonely battle, fought with clenched fists and white-knuckled resolve. But for those who have leaned on the power of prayer, the struggle takes on a different form—one where surrender becomes the greatest weapon and God’s grace, the ultimate victory.